The 21st Century Phenomenon



* Mohammed al-Ghabra was born on 07/01/1980 in Syria. He immigrated to UK and became a naturalized citizen.


In 2002, Mohammed Al-Ghabra met with and stayed at the home of Abu Faraj al-Liby, who, until he was detained by Pakistani authorities in 2005, served as Al Qaeda’s Director of Operations. He also met with Haroon Rashid Aswat at a religious school in the Pakistani city of Lahore. Mohammed Al-Ghabra himself went through military training at a Harkat-ul-Mujahideen training camp in Kashmir. 


MI5 has apparently targeted Mohammed Al-Ghabra while conducting an investigation into the so-called “pipeline” that is fuelling the terrorist insurgency in Iraq.


According to the British MI5, Mohammed Al-Ghabra arranged for the leader of the failed London 7/21 suicide attacks, Muktar Said Ibrahim, to travel to Pakistan for terrorist training in 12/2004.


Mohammed Al-Ghabra was arrested, under an administrative order, shortly after the London 7/21 failed attack and was given the identification code G (see – ABC-Group). Under the Government’s Al Qaeda Order, Mohammed Al-Ghabra was one of 58 people forced to apply to the Treasury for a license to obtain £10 a week for basic expenses in jail.


On 12/19/2006 The U.S. Department of the Treasury designated Mohammed Al-Ghabra as a terror financier. This designation froze any assets Mohammed Al-Ghabra may have under USA jurisdiction and prohibits all financial and commercial transactions by any person in USA and Al-Ghabra.


Mohammed Al-Ghabra was released without any charges or restrictions, on 07/15/2007, in UK.  He lives with his mother and sister in a maisonette in a cul-de-sac in Forest Gate, East London. Mohammed Al-Ghabra is unemployed and regularly attends the local Mosque on Romford Road.


Mohammed Al-Ghabra was one of five who had successfully challenged, in 04/2008, in the British High Court, the government’s powers to freeze terrorist suspects’ assets. He is today (08/2009) a free citizen in UK. 
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