The 21st Century Phenomenon




* Muhammad Rashidin – Mikael Davoud 



* Muhammad Rashidin – Mikael Davoud was born in 1971 in North-West China, Xinjiang province, the homeland of the ethnic Muslim Uyghur, also known as Eastern Turkistan as Muhammad Rashidin. He arrived to Norway in 1999 and got citizenship in 2007 he also changed his name in that occasion to Mikael Davoud. Davoud was arrested on 07/08/2010 for suspicions of belonging to Al Qaeda and plotting terror attacks in Norway. According to a court hearing, on 07/12/2010, Mikael Davoud visited Al Qaeda training camps on the Afghan-Pakistani border in 2009. 


Mikael Davoud became the ringleader of the Al Qaeda cell in Oslo, arrested on 07/08/2010 (see – Norwegian Arrests).




* Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak 


* Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak was born in 1973 in Iraqi Kurdistan and was an Iraqi citizen. Shawan Bujak was granted Norwegian residency on humanitarian grounds 

Shawan Bujak  was arrested in Duisburg, Germany, on 07/08/2010 due t the Norwegian police request and in full coordination of two fello Al Qaeda suspects in Norway.  He was extradited back to Norway on Thursday 07/15/2010. 





 * David Jakobsen 



* David Jakobsen was born in 1979 in Uzbekistan. David Jakobsen’s request for asylum was rejected, but he received a residence permit via family reunification. Several sources in the Uzbek community told Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet that David Jakobsen radicalized during his time in Norway. Since 11/2009 David Jacobsen was a police informant. He was arrested on 07/08/2010 for suspicions of belonging to Al Qaeda and plotting terror attacks in Norway. 


Police also reported on Saturday 07/10/2010  that David Jakobsen is suspected of embezzling six million kroner (944,000 dollars, 746,000 euros) from his company before it went bankrupt. 

Since David Jakobsen applied to take a class in oil drilling, raising fears that the target of the alleged terror attack might have been Norway’s lucrative oil industry. David Jakobsen was released on bail, on Friday 10/15/2010. 




* All three suspects were charged, on Tuesday 09/27/2010, with planning attacks to avenge cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad that appeared in a Danish newspaper (see – Muhammad Cartoons). Norwegian police sources said  Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak had confessed the allegation during his investigation.  


Denmark’s police intelligence branch said the target may have been either the Jyllands-Posten newspaper itself or people linked to the cartoons. 
* Shawan Bujak and Mikael Davoud have confessed to plotting terrorism. Shawan Bujak said their planned target was a newspaper that caricatured Muhammad while Mikael Davoud claims the target was the Chinese Embassy in Oslo. Investigators doubt Mikael Davoud’s version, saying he wasn’t able to show them the embassy’s location on a city map (see also – N.Y Questioning).


All three, on Tuesday 11/15/2011, pleaded “not guilty”to terror charges as their trial began. 


In the trial Mikael Davoud claimed he was plotting to attack the Chinese Embassy in Oslo, and the other two defendants were not aware of his plans. His lawyer said Davud was motivated by “private revenge” related to Beijing’s suppression of Uighurs, a Muslim minority in China (see -[ETIP]). 

* Mikael Davoud, Shawan Sadek Saeed Bujak and David Jakobsen were convicted by a Norwrgian court, on Monday 01/30/2012, in connection with a plot to carry out explosions at offices of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper. Davoud and Bujak were convicted of terror charges, while Jakobsen was convicted of a lesser explosives charge.

Mikael Davoud was sentenced to seven years in prison. Shawan Bujak was sentenced to three and a half years in prison, and David Jakobsen was sentenced to four months in prison. All three defendants have already served 606 days in custody, which will be deducted from their sentences, Oslo District Court spokesman Markus Iestra said.



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